
5 Ways to Ensure Mobile Innovation Incubators Are a Success

October 21, 2014

Developing enterprise mobility solutions continues to be at the forefront of the agendas for many companies seeking to reinvent outdated procedures,..

How mobile applications can truly solve business problems

October 17, 2014

Mobile applications create a world of possibilities for businesses because of the ability to connect to people and receive data and real-time..

CMO or CIO- Who should control the enterprise mobility strategy?

October 10, 2014

With the number of smartphone users on track to grow by 25 percent in 2014, GSMAIntelligencepredicts that the number of mobile connections will..

TOP 3 Ways in Which Mobility is Revolutionizing Retail

October 7, 2014

Wireless technology has transformed the global economy. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the retail industry. For businesses to distinguish..

The often overlooked benefit of BYOD- employee satisfaction

October 3, 2014

In our article Mobile Device Security Is Crucial to Your Business. Learn Why! we focused on the safety challenges companies face when it comes to..

4 ways in which enterprise mobility can increase productivity

September 30, 2014

Mobile devices have revolutionized business over the last few years and have made both challenges and opportunities at the same time. In an ..

Mobile Device Security Is Crucial to Your Business. Learn Why!

September 23, 2014

This article has been around for a while now. We invite you to consult our most recent blog articles here to be on the lookout for all the..

PureFlex takes the guesswork out of your IT infrastructure refresh challenge

July 14, 2014

If you have ever completed a jigsaw puzzle, you’ll know there’s a logical order to tackling the job. First, all the pieces must face the right way..

Adopting a Mobility Strategy Fasts Track Innovation

May 26, 2014

The word "innovation" is one of the most commonly used words in the business world today. There's a huge emphasis on its role in ensuring..

Where are you on the virtualisation path?

May 26, 2013

Here’s an example of how Present has helped one of their clients reap the benefits of virtualisation.