Posts about

IT infrastructure (8)

vCloud Air, a natural cloud extension of vSphere

November 3, 2015

vCloud Air is a cloud service launched by VMware in 2014. Highly secure, vCloud Air effectively combines the flexibility and scalability of a public..

4 situations where cloud services provide business benefits

October 15, 2015

Recently I had the chance to attend the VMworld 2015 conference in San Francisco, organised by the leaders in virtualization and x86 infrastructure..

The dream is 100% availability; how to avoid a nightmarish shutdown on the System i

September 30, 2015

Often business leaders perceive high availability solutions as nothing other than an insurance policy. In fact, it's much more than that. Yes, it’s..

3 steps to successful IT transformation

September 24, 2015

For any company, completely transforming its IT can sound complex and risky. This is especially true when managers do not know where to start. Proof..

Should you migrate your Linux from x86 to Power servers?

September 2, 2015

If you have a business in Quebec, you probably have a Linux operating system on Intel x86 servers. In fact, for the majority of SMBs, this is possibly

The surprising parallel in the evolution of business models and of IT

August 13, 2015

At the rate that information technology evolves, it is essential for companies to remain current. While 80% of Canadian CEOs believe IT is an..

Adapt or Die: Big Data at the heart of business transformation

August 6, 2015

We have all been influenced by the following quote, most often attributed to Charles Darwin : "It is not the strongest of the species that survives,..

4 areas in which Flash storage surpasses other storage technologies

July 20, 2015

The digital transformation that is underway is putting a demand on the infrastructures of enterprises and may lead to problems when a critical piece..

4 types of savings made possible with IT managed services

July 8, 2015

When it comes to keeping the lights on in IT, more and more companies are entrusting the management of certain tasks, if not their entire..

Isilon: an innovative solution for managing unstructured data

July 2, 2015

With the exponential growth of unstructured data, companies are facing challenges with storing this data and maintaining their environment at a high..