Present Blog – IT Thought Leadership

Are the benefits of AS/400 (Power) servers still valid in 2015?

March 23, 2015

Since its introduction in 1988, the AS/400 server has gained widespread popularity. Recognized as a highly reliable operating system, safe and ..

5 Mistakes to Avoid for a successful Office 365 migration

March 19, 2015

The mass adoption of Microsoft Office 365 hasn’t been in doubt since the end of 2013 and the number of seats doubled between 2013 and 2014. Office..

Email in the cloud makes sense! Office 365 summarized in 92 seconds

March 11, 2015

Cloud technology is changing the way that businesses function. It is untethering workers from the office and enabling access to a diverse array of..

Spring Break Recap- Let’s revisit IT Trends in 2015 and the crucial alignment between CIOs and CMOs

March 4, 2015

While many of us are on spring/school break this week, we decided to also take a pause on publishing new content but take the opportunity to..

Piecing together the puzzle of pay equity in IT departments

February 26, 2015

Pay equity is at the heart of business concerns. Pay scales are built to offer an equity within the company, however, the internal reality can often..

5 must-have skills to look for when hiring IT resources

February 24, 2015

After more than 24 years of experience, hiring top talent is one of the most important management tasks our recruters do. When selecting employees..

20 mobility statistics you can’t ignore in 2015

February 20, 2015

Mobility has already shifted behaviours in the way we work, shop, spend, consume information and compete in business. The time to act is now for..

7 IT blogs that Canadian CIOs and IT managers should read

February 17, 2015

Blogs are among the fastest growing sources to help professionals improve their knowledge, discover new trends and opportunities, learn about..

Protect your virtual environments with a 2-level backup strategy

February 13, 2015

The virtualization of environments is rapidly becoming democratized in the last several years and this requires that companies who adopt them also..

4 reasons to migrate your mail servers to the cloud

February 10, 2015

A growing number of companies are choosing to migrate their mail servers to the cloud. This is a global trend widely reported by various experts in ..