Present Blog – IT Thought Leadership

5 reasons why CIOs and CFOs do not understand each other

August 20, 2015

The damage caused by the global crisis of 2008 still has an impact in companies today. CFOs continue to juggle tight budgets and must carefully choose

The surprising parallel in the evolution of business models and of IT

August 13, 2015

At the rate that information technology evolves, it is essential for companies to remain current. While 80% of Canadian CEOs believe IT is an..

Adapt or Die: Big Data at the heart of business transformation

August 6, 2015

We have all been influenced by the following quote, most often attributed to Charles Darwin : "It is not the strongest of the species that survives,..

How to solve 7 challenges related to enterprise mobility applications

July 29, 2015

Enterprise mobility solutions are today a lever of differentiation and growth for companies. The establishment of an enterprise mobility strategy,..

New Study Finds Massive Cloud Shift Underway

July 23, 2015

This is an article written by Matt Hamilton, Digital Marketing Manager at IBM. The cloud has quickly evolved beyond the curiosity stage to become a..

4 areas in which Flash storage surpasses other storage technologies

July 20, 2015

The digital transformation that is underway is putting a demand on the infrastructures of enterprises and may lead to problems when a critical piece..

5 industries where enterprise mobility solutions are becoming essential

July 16, 2015

The rapid adoption of mobile devices and applications by consumers and within companies has redefined the way of thinking to solve business problems..

4 types of savings made possible with IT managed services

July 8, 2015

When it comes to keeping the lights on in IT, more and more companies are entrusting the management of certain tasks, if not their entire..

Isilon: an innovative solution for managing unstructured data

July 2, 2015

With the exponential growth of unstructured data, companies are facing challenges with storing this data and maintaining their environment at a high..

Viral Marketing, does it have its place in IT?

June 25, 2015

The definition of viral marketing that I prefer, because of its simplicity and straightforwardness is: “any marketing technique that induces Web..