
4 areas in which Flash storage surpasses other storage technologies

July 20, 2015

The digital transformation that is underway is putting a demand on the infrastructures of enterprises and may lead to problems when a critical piece..

5 industries where enterprise mobility solutions are becoming essential

July 16, 2015

The rapid adoption of mobile devices and applications by consumers and within companies has redefined the way of thinking to solve business problems..

Isilon: an innovative solution for managing unstructured data

July 2, 2015

With the exponential growth of unstructured data, companies are facing challenges with storing this data and maintaining their environment at a high..

IBM Edge 2015 : Future proof technologies

May 28, 2015

IBM Edge 2015 took place from May 11th to 15th in Las Vegas and focused on innovation in IT infrastructures and covered in a single event IBM System..

3 dimensions of IT transformation raised at IBM EDGE 2015

May 25, 2015

Spring is the time of year for conferences of leaders in the IT industry and after Lenovo, EMC and others, IBM held its annual event IBM EDGE from ..

Big data and open source: 2 IT trends at the heart of EMC World 2015

May 14, 2015

The annual EMC World conference was held last week in Las Vegas, and once again experts and thought leaders delivered presentations that inspired and..

What marketers need to know about mobility in 2015

May 6, 2015

There's no doubt that today, the role of marketing managers is inseparable from information technology, and more specifically from mobility. The ..

4 myths about an enterprise mobility strategy busted

May 1, 2015

Mobility in general and the establishment of an enterprise mobility strategy are at the top of business concerns and trends right now. Mobile..

Software-Defined Network (SDN) : understanding the basics

April 28, 2015

Nowadays companies are largely defined by technology, that is, they are as agile (or not) as the computer technology they have acquired in the past. ..

The foundations of the new IT model: 5 reasons to attend the May 7 event

April 23, 2015

We are at a turning point in IT infrastructures that were until recently more traditional and are become increasingly virtualized. With the advent of..