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Is your business ready for Microsoft Copilot?

Written by present | May 16, 2024 5:48:31 PM

Is your business ready to get the most out of Microsoft Copilot? This innovative tool combines the capabilities of LMMs (large language models) with your corporate data to provide real-time intelligent assistance embedded directly into your Microsoft 365 apps. It makes brainstorming, retrieving information, and creating engaging content quick and simple.

What makes Copilot so powerful?
What sets Copilot apart from other public LMMs is that it operates within your Microsoft 365 environment and leverages your existing data within that ecosystem to provide personalized support. This means Copilot utilizes the data available within your Microsoft 365 apps, such as documents, emails, teams chats, calendars, and other relevant information, to offer relevant suggestions and assistance specific to your tasks and projects.


The Copilot architecture is a sophisticated framework and includes these key elements:

  • Language Model: Copilot uses pre-trained LLMs from Azure OpenAI, trained on massive datasets. This model allows for intelligent assistance and suggestions like text summarization, content creation, and information research.
  • Semantic indexing: This next-generation search technology helps Copilot efficiently find relevant information within your content based on what you’re looking for, not just keywords.
  • Security and compliance: Copilot is built on Microsofts’ security framework so you can be assured that it protects your sensitive data and adheres to regulatory requirements.

So, what’s the catch?
There’s not a catch per se, it’s simply key that organizations ensure a thorough and structured approach to implementing Copilot so that they address key considerations related to data sensitivity, protection requirements, and risk management.


3 Steps to preparing for Copilot
It is essential to create a governance framework for security and access. Here are three essential steps: 

  • Data inventory and classification - Review your various types of data that are considered sensitive to ensure appropriate handling with Copilot
  • Security assessment - List the protection requirements of this sensitive information and ensure controls and compliance align with these requirements.
  • Configuration planning - determine the configuration settings and controls for integrating Copilot with your MS365 applications.

As you consider whether your business is ready for Microsoft Copilot, it's important to recognize the amazing potential of this tool. By seamlessly integrating large language models (LLMs) with your corporate data within the Microsoft 365 environment, Copilot offers real-time intelligent assistance that enhances productivity big time.

Present’s offers a Copilot readiness assessment as well as a services around assessing and creating protection requirements for your sensitive data. Contact us today to learn more.